
Normally when we seek to marry, the principles and criteria based on which we choose our partners vary vastly from what God has ordained in the Quran. Quran describes what a man should look for when seeking a woman for marriage for himself or when seeking a man for his daughter or sister. In this lecture the details in the Quran in reference to Nikah / Marriage, which incorporates the understanding of legal sexual intercourse, are highlighted along with whom Nikah is legally permissible among different categories of people according to God, therefore it is a must see for those Muslims looking to get into a matrimonial bond.

Hijab – Veil

An extremely important lecture for both believing men and women, as this lecture describes according to the Quran a Hijab / veil (psychological) which both men and women have to adopt allowing us to communicate with God and understand His message. Additionally the dress code (the physical Hijab) for both men and women is also described but more specifically for women and how this Hijab (psychological and physical) is to be maintained in our family and social circles.

Muslim – Submitter

A lecture for somebody who is just converted or thinking about converting and also for the Muslims by name who are interested to know about their identity given by God. In this lecture you will see who is a Muslim, what the purpose of a Muslim is and how all mankind falls into this category willingly or non-willingly.

Children of Israel

This lecture defines the Bani Israeel / Children of Israel from the ayats / verses of the Quran , as the people whom Allah has favored among the rest of mankind for all times. This is an extremely important lecture as the identity of the TRUE Bani Israeel / Children of Israel is revealed, which has very significant implications for all us who call ourselves Muslims.

People of the Book

A lecture that should be watched with the lectures on Al-Kitab /The Book and At-Taurah / The Law & Al-Injeel the Good News, as it unveils the true identity of the People of The Book which has been erroneously promoted in our society as those people who call themselves Jews and Christians. A must watch for all Muslims but especially those Muslims living in religiously diversified communities around the globe.

Aulia – Protectors

Generally in the world people seeking to get close to God seek the help and guidance of other individual, a ?Protector? (or an Aulia) who they see as someone having achieved the closeness that they are seeking. This is true in almost all religions, however in Islam the concept of ?Aulia/Protector? is fully described in this lecture, as to who the ultimate protector is, and how in the circle of believers Muslims become each others protectors.

Jews and Christians

Most people who call themselves Muslims today when they hear the Arabic words “Yahood” & “Nasara” only understand them to refer to the label Jews and Christians. This lecture points out how Allah in the Quran defines the Yahood & Nasara by their character traits and behavior, and also the words itself hold a descriptive meaning which most of us are unaware of and hence are unable to identify these categories of people completely. The exposition through the Ayats of Allah in this lecture details who are the Yahood and Nasara which encompasses more than just those who call themselves Jews & Chrisitians to include anyone who follows their (Jews and Christian) practices (found in their books) and the character traits defined in the Quran regardless of what label they put on themselves.

Al-Kitab / The Book

This lecture is probably by far one of the most important lectures in the context of religious books found in the world. The word Al-Kitab / The Book (mentioned in the Quran over 200 times) has been presented to describe the attributes of God’s Book, the origin, the state which it is currently found in and in which it has always remained, the recipients of God’s Book through time in this unchanged format, and also refuting the authenticity of all other man written books claiming to be from God.

Al-Quran – The Reading

For any one starting to read the Quran or interested in learning more about Quran, this lecture provides the perfect platform for them. Another rarely translated word Al-Quran literally means “The Reading”. It answers through the verses of the Quran frequently asked questions and concerns people have, such as the purpose and function of Quran, and how this book should be approached and understood.

Torah and Gospel

A lecture that should be watched in conjunction with the lecture on Al-Kitab / The Book, this lecture answers some of the basic questions about the status of At-Taurah & Al-Injeel (mentioned in Al-Kitab / The Book). At-Taurah & Al-Injeel are commonly misrepresented and misidentified as those books which were given to Jews & Christians but which were corrupted through time. In reality this could not be further from the Truth and this lecture presents the truth about At-Taurah & Al-Injeel, and also about its recipients.

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